Report: 5 years of partnership with Habitat for Humanity
For 5 years now, Habitat for Humanity has been a major partner of Somfy Foundation's international program. The international NGO helps the Somfy Foundation and the Group's subsidiaries to identify and orchestrate projects in the various countries where Somfy operates. The aim remains to help the most vulnerable people by contributing to providing them with housing and decent living conditions.
Because social commitment is one of Somfy's fundamental values and because the problem of poor housing knows no borders, Somfy Foundation also operates internationally, in the countries where the Group's subsidiaries are based. The Foundation supports local projects to reduce poor housing conditions. The Foundation and each subsidiary identify together a project for which they provide financial and human support through voluntary work by the subsidiary's employees.
Habitat for Humanity is an international non-profit NGO. It fights against poor housing by giving the most vulnerable people access to housing by building or rehabilitating decent, safe and affordable housing.
In five years, many projects have been organized and many people have benefited from the support provided by this partnership.
It was in Brazil that the first pilot project was launched and since then the partnership has expanded and now covers 7 countries: Brazil, Australia, China, Lebanon, Poland, the United States and very recently Egypt.
Here’s a look back at all the projects that have been implemented as part of the partnership between Somfy Foundation and Habitat for Humanity.
In Brazil
The actions carried out in Brazil have contributed enormously to improving housing and living conditions in the favela of Heliopolis. Heliopolis is the largest favela in Sao Paulo and has a population of approximately 200,000 people. Housing is often very old and unhealthy.
In 2014, a first grant of 5000 euros was awarded to Habitat for Humanity. Thanks to this grant, 2 homes have been rehabilitated and 10 people have been provided with improved living conditions.
In 2015, 12 single-parent families living in extreme poverty saw their homes rehabilitated thanks to the grant. In 2016 and 2017, 8 other households headed by 8 mothers in difficulty had access to a healthier home thanks to the renovation of their kitchen and bathroom.
In 2018, in addition to the financial support, 16 Somfy Brazil’s employees took part in the renovation of the homes of 3 families and a total of 8 homes benefited from renovations. Then in 2019, 3 single mothers saw the living conditions of their families greatly improved thanks to the support of Somfy Brazil and the Foundation.
Finally, in 2020, and in the context we are familiar with, the support to reduce energy insecurity did not stop. The grant awarded will enable the construction of drinking water tanks to improve sanitary conditions in the region. Masks and hygiene kits will also be distributed to fight against the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Since the beginning of the partnership in Brazil, €70,500 from Somfy Foundation and Somfy Brazil have enabled more than 35 families to have access to decent housing and living conditions in the Heliopolis favela !
Solidarity day with Somfy Brazil employees. Renovation of houses in the Heliopolis favela
Sao Paulo-Brazil
In Poland
Over a period of 3 years (from 2016 to 2018), Somfy Foundation and the local subsidiary, alongside Habitat for Humanity, contributed to the well-being of two families living in very precarious conditions.
Jozefa's family, who were in a very precarious financial situation and owned a house, were unable to complete the work due to a lack of funds to live in it. They were therefore forced to live in a hut without running water or heating. After several months of work, Josefa, her son, one of her two daughters and her granddaughter were finally able to move into their new house.
Agata and Mirosław and their 6 children lived in half a house. Their house, which was very, consisted of a room of about twenty square meters with no real bathroom or kitchen. Thanks to the support of the Somfy Foundation and the subsidiary's employees, the family now lives in a beautiful, healthy house with enough space for everyone, a kitchen and a bathroom.
A total of €30,000 will have been donated to Habitat for Humanity for the completion of its projects and 17 Somfy employees will have given their time to help these families.
Solidarity day with Somfy Poland employees.
Construction of a house for a family of 8 people in precarious situation - Redzyńskie – Poland
In the USA
This proximity has created lasting links and close collaboration between the NGO and the subsidiary.
Tri-partite support has enabled the construction of 4 semi-detached houses. These houses are sold to families in need thanks to affordable mortgage loans. This way, they can have access to home ownership and decent housing without having to give up other basic necessities.
In addition to financial support, many of the subsidiary's employees were involved on the construction sites. At the same time, the subsidiary provided Habitat MBA with storage space for materials and supplies.
Employees also offered their marketing and communication skills, thanks to Pro Bono on several occasions to help Habitat for Humanity with its projects.
Since 2016, approximately €33,000 have been donated to support the cause of poor housing in the United States, and more specifically in the Millstone Basin, and around forty employees have been mobilized !
Communication of Habitat for Humanity Hightstown
Construction of 2 Town Houses for housing families in need
Hightstown - New Jersey - USA
In Australia
Several projects were successfully completed thanks to the material and financial support provided by the Somfy Foundation and the Somfy Oceania subsidiary.
The first project took place in 2016. It involved renovating the "New Leaf Village" reception center for women with children.
Then in 2017 and 2018, the project focused on helping the homeless in the city of Sydney. Thanks to a grant and the work of Somfy employees, 5 apartments were furnished to accommodate the homeless.
In 2019, the financial and human support went to a Habitat for Humanity partner charity: Women and Girls Emergency Centre (WAGEC).
Finally, in 2020, a grant will enable Habitat for Humanity to finance various emergency projects. More than €30,000 and numerous volunteers have enabled people in precarious situations to find a better stability thanks to housing.
Solidarity day for the renovation of buildings on 25 July 2019
In Lebanon
In 2016 and 2017, support for Habitat for Humanity focused on improving the infrastructure for hosting political refugees in the Beirut suburb of Bourj Hammoud. Priority was given to increasing the number of available housing units, finalizing work on existing housing and renovating and rebuilding water and sanitation systems.
This major project has helped an entire suburb and more particularly 150 extremely vulnerable families.
A total of €20,000 has been allocated to support this project.
In China
In 2016, €10,000 have enabled the renovation of the apartments of two families in Shanghai in a situation of great income and social precariousness.
In Egypt
The latest country to benefit from the partnership between Somfy Foundation, Somfy subsidiary, and Habitat for Humanity. For this first project, the Foundation made a €5,000 grant, supplemented by a €5,000 grant from the local subsidiary.
The reconstruction project will enable several families to live in decent conditions, have access to drinking water and be safe in their homes
What can be highlighted from these 5 years of partnership with Habitat for Humanity are all the successful projects and especially all the people who have benefited from this combined support, be it financial or human.
The foundation is proud to work alongside such a committed organization that shares the same values and objectives: to fight against poor housing in all its forms, to share, to show solidarity and to help all those in need around the world.